
This Policy applies to you when: 

  • You visit INNERGY website; 
  • You provide INNERGY with your information for the provision of one of INNERGY services or applications; 
  • You provide INNERGY with your details via the contact form on the website or through social media platforms; 
  • When you sign up for INNERGY newsletter or subscribe for INNERGY updates; 

This Privacy Policy describes the INNERGY policies and practices regarding its collection and use of your personal data (“Personal Data”), and sets forth your privacy rights.  The Personal Data INNERGY collects depends on how you interact with INNERGY.    

INNERGY recognizes that information privacy is an ongoing responsibility, and so we will from time to time update this Privacy Policy as we undertake new Personal Data practices or adopt new privacy policies.  At INNERGY, we believe that great privacy rests on great security.  We use administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect your Personal Data, taking into account the nature of the Personal Data and the processing, and the threats posed.   

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand the limited circumstances in which it may apply to your Personal Data and to learn more about how INNERGY protects your Personal Data and what privacy rights may be available to you under applicable data protection and privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). If you provide us or our service providers with any Personal Data relating to other individuals, you represent that you have the authority to do so, and where required, have obtained the necessary consent, and acknowledge that any such Personal Data may be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, do not access or use INNERGY content or services or interact with any other aspect of INNERGY business.  

How INNERGY collects and uses (processes) your Personal Data

When you purchase INNERGY services or products, register for education, connect to INNERGY services, contact INNERGY (including by social media), participate in an online survey, or otherwise interact with INNERGY, we may collect a variety of information directly from you. We may also collect information such as usage details, IP addresses, and information collected through cookies automatically as you navigate through the INNERGY website.    

We collect your information:  

  • To present our Website and its contents to you;  
  • To provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us;  
  • To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it;  
  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection;  
  • To provide you with notices and communications;  

For any other purpose we may describe when you provide the information or for any purpose with your consent. We do not use automated decision-making or profiling when processing your Personal Data. Automated decision-making refers to decisions made solely by automated means without human involvement, which can have significant effects on individuals.  

The Personal Data that may be collected includes the following:  

Personal Data INNERGY collects/processes: 

  • Software Users’ personal details: e.g. name, email address, physical address, phone number or other contact information; 
  • Company information: name, registration number, VAT number and other contractual information;  
  • Payment Information: data about your billing address and method of payment, such as bank details; credit, debit or other payment card information, invoicing information; 
  • Service and product purchase history; 
  • Log data: IP address, browser type; 
  • Mobile-device information: certain location or geolocation information; 
  • Other information you provide INNERGY: details such as the content of your communications with INNERGY, including interactions with customer support and contacts through social media channels. 

You are not required to provide the Personal Data we have requested.  However, if you choose not to do so,  
in many cases we will not be able to provide you with INNERGY products or services or respond to requests you may have. 

Lawful bases and purposes for processing your Personal Data

INNERGY uses your Personal Data only when we have a valid legal basis to do so.  Depending on the circumstance, INNERGY may rely on your consent or the fact that the processing is necessary to fulfill a contract with you, protect your vital interests or those of other persons, or to comply with law.  We may also process your Personal Data where we believe it is in our or others’ legitimate interests, taking into consideration your interests, rights, and expectations.   

Purpose Legal basis 
Power Our Services. 

INNERGY collects Personal Data necessary to power its services, which may include Personal Data collected to personalize or improve offerings.   
To perform a contract with you or to take steps that you request when signing up for INNERGY services or products. 

Process Your Transactions. 

To process transactions, INNERGY must collect data such as your name, purchase, and other payment information. 
To process or fulfill orders and transactions including ACH or wire transfers, to verify customer information, to process payments, to provide INNERGY services and products to its customers.  

Communicate with You.

To respond to communications, reach out to you about your transactions or account, market our products and services, provide other relevant information, or request information or feedback. From time to time, we may use your Personal Data to send important notices, such as communications about purchases and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. Because this information is important to your interaction with INNERGY, you may not opt out of receiving these important notices.  

 Your consent and our legitimate interest, to interact with you and to respond to your requests; When you reach out to us via email, social media, or any other means, we collect and utilize your information to engage with you and address your inquiries. Our aim is to communicate effectively with you and meet your needs, which aligns with our legitimate interests.  

Security and Fraud Prevention. 

To protect individuals, employees, and INNERGY and for loss prevention and to prevent fraud, including to protect individuals, employees, and INNERGY for the benefit of all our users, and prescreening or scanning uploaded content for potentially illegal content. 
 Protecting our business and managing the security of our environments is based on our legitimate interest to protect our systems and rights, and the rights of others. 

Comply with Law. 

To comply with applicable law — for example, to satisfy tax or reporting obligations, or to comply with a lawful governmental request. 
 INNERGY compliance with the law. 

Develop new features and support our customers.  

We may access data to ensure we can properly support our customers and have strong data to test new features with and/or to provide a better user experience 
INNERGY legitimate interests for ensuring the proper functioning of its business operations. 

Marketing our products, services, or events. 

INNERGY direct marketing is based on our legitimate interest or, if provided, your prior consent. 

With your consent Your consent, which may be withdrawn at any time. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of our processing, before you withdraw your consent. It will also not affect the validity of our processing of Personal Data performed on other lawful grounds. 

Personal Data retained by INNERGY

INNERGY uses data hosting service providers in the United States and European Economic Area (EEA) to host the information we collect. Data security measures we implement include a wide range of security measures, such as encryption, authentication, access controls, network security measures (like firewalls), and secure coding practices. These measures help protect data both at rest (when it is stored) and in transit (when it is being sent or received).  

While we implement robust safeguards to protect your information, it’s important to acknowledge that no security system is completely infallible. Due to the inherent risks involved in transmitting data over the Internet and storing it on systems, we cannot guarantee that your data will be completely immune from unauthorized access or breaches. 

Information about you INNERGY collects to engage in transactions with customers, suppliers and business partners, and to process purchases of INNERGY products and services, will be retained for the duration of the transaction or services period, or longer as necessary for record retention and legal compliance purposes. 

INNERGY will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. When assessing retention periods, we first carefully examine whether it is necessary to retain the Personal Data collected and, if retention is required, work to retain the Personal Data for the shortest possible period permissible under law. 

Personal Data are deleted after a reasonable time according to the following retention criteria: 

  • We retain your data as long as we have an ongoing relationship with you (in particular, if you have an account with us); 
  • We will only keep the data while your account is active or for as long as needed to provide services to you; 
  • We retain your data for as long as needed in order to comply with our global legal and contractual obligations. 

Under applicable law we may refuse a request to delete your Personal Data if INNERGY or its service providers need to retain it to: 

  • Complete the transaction for which we collected the Personal Data; 
  • Provide a requested good or service, take actions reasonably expected within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or fulfill our contract with you; 
  • Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities; 
  • Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality; 
  • Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that complies with all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, where deletion may render impossible or seriously impair the research’s achievement if you provided informed consent previously; 
  • Enable solely internal uses reasonably aligned with your expectations, based on your relationship with us; 
  • Comply with a legal obligation; 
  • Make other internal and lawful uses of that information compatible with the context in which you provided it. 

Sharing Data with Third Parties

INNERGY shares Personal Data with third parties who act on our behalf or otherwise support our business.

Service Providers / Subprocessors. INNERGY engages third parties to act as our service providers and perform certain tasks on our behalf.    

INNERGY relies on third-party service providers to help provide the INNERGY services to you, such as payment processing services, payment gateways, providers offering fax and printing services, hosting services, cloud data storage services and SaaS-based integration platforms, co-location and infrastructure services, payment infrastructure platforms, ACH wire transaction facilitators, business intelligence software, big data analytics platforms, event logging platforms. 

INNERGY shares Personal Data with the following Subprocessors:  

INNERGY cannot control the privacy practices and data protection policies of third parties that are not subject to this Privacy Policy. When you submit personal information to such a third party, please read and refer to the privacy protection policy of the third party. 

INNERGY may also disclose Personal Data: 

  • With a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of INNERGY’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding; 
  • To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request; 
  • To enforce or apply our terms of use or terms of sale; or  
  • If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of INNERGY, our customers, or others. 


INNERGY uses cookies and cached data to improve performance and ensure positive user experience.  

Here is a summary of the cookies INNERGY uses: 

Website Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential for the website to function and do not require consent: 

Cookie Name Purpose ContentExpiry
__hs_opt_outRemembers not to ask the visitor to accept cookies again “yes” or “no” 6 months 
__hs_do_not_trackPrevents tracking information from being sent “yes” 6 months 
__hs_initial_opt_inPrevents the banner from always displaying in strict mode “yes” or “no” 7 days 
__hs_cookie_cat_prefRecords categories a visitor consented to Consent categories data 6 months 
__hs_gpc_banner_dismissRecords when the privacy control banner is dismissed “yes” or “no” 180 days 
__hs_notify_banner_dismissRecords when the notify consent banner is dismissed True180 days 
hs_ab_testEnsures the same version of an A/B test page is shown Test page and variation id End of session 
<id>_key Remembers login on password-protected pages, this cookie is set so future visits to the page from the same browser do not require login again  Encrypted password 14 days 
hs-messages-is-openSaves whether the chat widget is open for future visits  True 30 minutes 
hs-messages-hide-welcome-messagePrevents the chat widget welcome message from appearing again for one day after it is dismissed True or False 1 day 
member_loginIdentifies membership user when logged in Encrypted data 7 days 
hs-membership-csrfEnsures membership logins cannot be forged Random string End of session 
rate_limit Set by CDN provider for rate limiting policies End of session 
bot_protection Necessary for bot protection, set by CDN provider 30 minutes 
event_tracker Temporarily stores tracking events until dispatched Tracking events metadata End of session 
experiment_cacheCaches cohorts for product experiments Experiment data 48 hours 
__cf_bmThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.Random string30 minutes
cookieyes-consentThis cookie is used to remember the user’s consent to the use of cookies on the website.Serialized data to reflect the user’s consent settings for different categories of cookies.1 year

Website Analytics Cookies

These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our site: 

Cookie Name Purpose ContentExpiry 
visitor_tracking Main cookie for tracking visitors Domain, user ID, timestamps, session number 6 months 
user_identityKeeps track of a visitor’s identity Opaque GUID to represent the current visitor 6 months 
session_trackerKeeps track of sessions Domain, viewCount, session start timestamp 30 minutes 
browser_restartDetermines if the visitor has restarted their browser “1” when present End of session 
_gaUsed to distinguish users.A randomly generated identifier2 years
_gcl_auUsed by Google Analytics to store and track conversion.A randomly generated identifier3 months
_ga_FHHVJZBLQNUsed to persist session state.A randomly generated identifier2 years
__hstcTracks the informations about the visitor such as the date of last visit.Contains information about the hubspotutk cookie, subsequent visits timestamps and a session number (incremented on each subsequent browser session).6 months
hubspotutkTracks the identity of a visitor.Randomly generated GUID6 months
__hsscThis cookie keeps track of sessions. This is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie.It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.30 minutes
__hssrcWhenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser.It contains the value “1” when the visitor has restarted the browserSession

Website Functionality Cookies

These cookies enable enhanced functionality and personalization: 

Cookie Name PurposeContentExpiry
chat_recognition Recognizes visitors who chat via the chat tool Opaque GUID 6 months 
messagesUtkUsed to recognize visitors who interacted with the chat window.Randomly generated GUID6 months
_cfuvidUsed to allow the Cloudflare WAF to distinguish individual users who share the same IP address.String generated on the Cloudflare end.Session
wpEmojiSettingsSupportsThis cookie is related to WordPress’s emoji support functionality. It is used to determine whether the browser supports certain emoji sets and optimizes the display of emojis on WordPress-powered websites.Boolean (true or false) valueSession
__hs_cookie_cat_prefAdditional cookie used by HubSpot to remember the user’s cookie preferences.It contains data on the consented categories6 months

Application Cookies

Cookie Name PurposeContentExpiry
DeviceGuid  Keeps track of a visitor’s browser IDGUID30 days 
ClientIDKeeps track of a visitor’s identityGUIDBrowser session
.AspNetCore.Identity.ApplicationUsed to maintain user session within the applicationEncrypted dataBrowser session
eUse with request routingInternal identifier14 days

Cookies from third-party systems

INNERGY cannot control cookies placed by third-party scripts. When a visitor accepts cookies via the IINNERGY consent banner, they consent to INNERGY cookies only.  

How can you manage cookies?

  • Removing cookies from your device.  You can delete all cookies that are already on your device by clearing the browsing history of your browser. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have visited. Be aware though that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences). 
  • Managing site-specific cookies.  For more detailed control over site-specific cookies, check the privacy and cookie settings in your preferred browser. 
  • Blocking cookies. You can set most modern browsers to prevent any cookies being placed on your device, but you may then have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site/page.   

Personal Data Transfers

Your Personal Data collected by INNERGY is processed or accessed in the country/region where you use our products and services or in other countries/regions where INNERGY or its affiliates, subsidiaries have a presence. These jurisdictions have different data protection laws. In such circumstances, INNERGY will take measures to help ensure that data is processed as required by this Privacy Policy and applicable laws, which includes when transferring the data subject’s Personal Data from the EU to a country or region which has not yet been acknowledged by the EU Commission as having an adequate level of data protection, we may use a variety of legal mechanisms, such as signing standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission, obtaining the consent to the cross-border transfer of a data subject in the EU, or implementing security measures like anonymizing Personal Data before cross-border data transfer. 

Data Subject Rights 

If our processing of your Personal Data is subject to applicable data protection or privacy laws like the CCPA, GDPR, or other state comprehensive privacy law, you have specific rights concerning your Personal Data that we collect and process. When INNERGY functions as the data controller, you can directly contact us to exercise your privacy rights. However, if our role is solely that of a service provider and we process your Personal Data solely based on the instructions of our customer, then you must contact that customer to exercise your privacy rights. The customer will then inform INNERGY of any changes or corrections required for your Personal Data based on your request.  We only serve as the data controller when we determine which of your Personal Data to process and for what purpose. 

Subject to applicable law, you may have various privacy rights concerning the information we process about you: 

  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of your Personal Data at any time. 
  • Right to object: You can object to the processing of your Personal Data based on legitimate interests or for direct marketing purposes. 
  • Right of access: You can request access to your Personal Data and obtain information about the processing activities. 
  • Right to rectification: You can request the correction or update of inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data. 
  • Right to restrict processing: You have the right to restrict the processing of your Personal Data under certain circumstances. 
  • Right to erasure: You can request the erasure of your Personal Data, subject to legal obligations or overriding legitimate grounds. 
  • Right to data portability: You can request to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. We commit not to charge any fees for processing or responding to your requests. However, exceptions may apply if we deem a request to be excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. In such instances, we will explain our rationale and provide a cost estimate before proceeding with the request. 
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint with an applicable data protection authority regarding the processing of your Personal Data. 
  • Opt-out: You may opt out of certain Personal Data processing for targeted advertising, sales, or profiling.  

If you make a rights request, we may be required to respond to you within one month.  

How can You exercise your privacy rights?

If you have any questions or comments regarding our privacy practices, you may contact us at: 

PO Box 125 

Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 

phone: 800.570.7230.  


Bear in mind that to evaluate your privacy rights requests, we need to be sure it was you who made the request. Consequently, we might need some identification to check that you are, who you say you are. 

Upon receiving your request, we will acknowledge its receipt within ten (10) days. In our confirmation, we will outline our identity verification process (if necessary) and provide an estimated timeframe for response, unless the request has already been granted or denied. Please allow up to thirty (30) days for our response to your requests (excluding requests to stop selling your Personal Data) from the date of receipt. If additional time is required [up to a total of ninety (90) days], we will notify you in writing, explaining the reason for the extension. For account holders, our written response will be sent to the contact details associated with that account. For non-account holders, our response will be sent electronically, unless otherwise requested. In cases where  
a request cannot be fulfilled, we will provide the reasons for our decision in our response.   

When there is a material change to this Privacy Policy, we’ll post a notice on this website . 

If you believe that our processing of your Personal Data infringes the GDPR, you have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The contact details of the supervisory authorities can be found here Additionally, we would appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns directly. Please contact us using the contact details provided above. 

Updates to Privacy Policy 

INNERGY reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If INNERGY changes this Privacy Policy, you will be notified about the chan